Remember Mildmay in your Will
We would be so thankful if, after you’ve looked after your family and friends, you would consider leaving a gift in your Will to Mildmay. We’re grateful for all gifts in Wills, no matter how big or small.
Jonas Kakaroto
We can help you with all you need to know about making your Will. Even how to do it for free online: quickly and securely.
Leave a legacy to Mildmay in your will, and you will be helping us continue to provide the best possible care and treatment.
It's hard to find the time to make a Will!
But did you know that two-thirds of people in the UK never make a Will?
Now you can make your Will easily
- and for FREE.
We've partnered with Make a Will Online – to make it simple, secure and convenient for you to transform your intention into a reality*.
Using this free online will-writing service, you can remember people who have made a difference in your life by making a difference in theirs.
Leaving a gift to your chosen charity might even offer certain tax benefits.
Go to makeawillonline.co.uk and start making your will today.

*When you do this, we are told when a will is made and what has been left. This is incredibly useful for our planning.
Your solicitor-checked online will in 3 easy steps:

Answer a straightforward set of online questions

Review, and only complete when you are happy

Solicitor check and receive your will by email or post
Did you know that NHS contract funding only pays for about 85% of the services we provide in our UK hospital?
The remainder, and all the funding for our overseas work, comes from our amazing supporters giving donations, their time, and even gifts in Wills.
Choosing to leave a Gift to Mildmay in your Will is one of the best ways to support us as it helps us make long-term plans for the care of our patients.
Last year, Mildmay received approximately £60,000 from gifts in wills.
How you help the people we care for:

£1,500 helps Mildmay to train community health workers in Kenya.
It costs approximately £49 per day to train a community health worker (CHW) in Kenya and each CHW covers up to 144 households. On average that equals 720 people reached by one person.
Image credit: Elizabeth Kurylo

Legacy gifts meant we could buy a portable electric piano with weighted keys for £600 for our music therapy.
The benefits of music therapy are widely known and include: encouraging self-expression, combating depression, and improving speech and memory function. Using musical instruments helps to improve movement, special awareness and flexibility.
Image credit: Patrick Tomasso

£2,000 provides 200 newly-admitted patients a year with a hygiene/care kit of essential toiletries; toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving kit, shower gel, deodorant, and so on.
And there's more...
Without voluntary donations, which includes gifts in Wills, Mildmay would have to close. We could not help anyone.
Gifts in Wills are vital to helping us secure our future and ensure that we can provide first-class services and facilities in our UK hospital.
Your gift can also contribute to our work in East Africa supporting thousands of children, young people, women and men with HIV clinical services and education.
Gifts in Wills can make up to a third of our voluntary income, helping us reach even more vulnerable people.
Be part of our thriving future through a gift in your Will.
Did you know?
Income from legacies is one of the most important sources of funding for charities, yet over two-thirds of people in the UK die without even making a Will?
Making a Will is the best way to communicate your wishes about what happens to your things, so they can make a difference to the people you care for.
It is easy to make a Will, although we would always recommend using a solicitor. Mildmay cannot recommend any particular firm of solicitors, but the Law Society can provide impartial details of local solicitors who may be able to help prepare your Will.
"Simply knowing that I’ve left a legacy gives me that 'feel-good factor'.
You can make a difference even when you are gone.”
Why it's important for everyone to make a will
It is important for you to make a will whether or not you consider you have many possessions or much money. It is important to make a will because:
if you die without a will, there are certain rules which dictate how the money, property or possessions should be allocated. This may not be the way that you would have wished your money and possessions to be distributed
unmarried partners and partners who have not registered a civil partnership cannot inherit from each other unless there is a will, so the death of one partner may create serious financial problems for the remaining partner
Consult a solicitor
If you would rather speak to a traditional solicitor or if you already have a solicitor then you should ask them to update their will to leave a gift. You should also think about this if you are very poorly, have concerns about mental capacity, if you have a large estate above the inheritance tax threshold or if you have complex wishes or needs.
You can find a solicitor at the Law Society.
Please also do take a moment to let us know you have done this – it's really helpful for our planning.
if you have children, you will need to make a will so that arrangements for the children can be made if either one or both parents die
it may be possible to reduce the amount of tax payable on the inheritance if advice is taken in advance and a will is made
if your circumstances have changed, it is important that you make a will to ensure that your money and possessions are distributed according to your wishes. For example, if you have separated and your ex-partner now lives with someone else, you may want to change your will. If you are married or enter into a registered civil partnership, this will make any previous will you have made invalid.
If you are in any doubt as to whether or not you should make a will, you should consult a solicitor or a Citizens Advice local office who can give you lists of solicitors.
Your data
When you use the online wills link above, we learn about the existence of the will and the amount and type of gifts you have left.
Where you give your consent, we also learn your name and contact information.
We understand that some of our supporters would rather keep the existence of the will completely confidential. If you want to do this, you can use this link to make an online will.
Whatever you choose to do -
thank you!
Decide on the type of legacy gift you want to leave:
Pecuniary Gift
Allows you to leave a specific amount of money, decided by you, to your beneficiaries.
Residuary Gift
Allows you to leave Mildmay a share of your estate once family and friends have been taken care of. This is the most flexible – you don’t have to decide on an exact amount, and its value keeps pace with inflation.
Specific Gift
A gift of a particular asset or item, for example a property, or stocks and shares.
Reversionary Gift
Allows you to leave your estate to your dependants while they are living, but after they pass away it will revert to Mildmay.
Did you know?
The only information you need when planning your Will is our Registered Charity Name and Number and what you would like to leave us.
When you come to make your Will, if you would like to include a gift to Mildmay, please ask your will-writer to include our Registered Charity number 292058, our legal name and our address:
Mildmay Mission Hospital
19 Tabernacle Gardens
London E2 7DZ
Email: fundraising@mildmay.org
Tel: +44 (0)20 7613 6311
Can I specify how my gift should be used?
If you want your gift to be used in a certain way, for a particular project, you can specify this in your Will.
However, please phrase this as a request, not a condition. If the conditions are stated too specifically, then sadly we may not be able to use your gift, for example, if the project you have specified is no longer operating.
It's most useful to Mildmay if the gift is unrestricted so that we can use the money where we believe the need is greatest.

Consider starting a tribute Fund in memory of a loved one
When you make a gift in memory of a loved one, you commemorate their life whilst helping the patients treated at our hospital.
Setting up a tribute fund online creates a place to remember your loved one. It’s the perfect way to celebrate their life. Family and friends can show their support in any way they like – with donations, by organising fundraising activities or by taking on a challenge.
Mildmay is registered with JustGiving and you can set up a tribute fund and link it back to Mildmay. Just click the button below.

If you have already written Mildmay into your Will, thank you!
You don't need to tell us that you have left a gift to Mildmay in your Will, but we would be grateful if you would get in touch and let us know if you have, or are considering leaving a lasting gift.
We would like to be able to thank you and keep you up to date with Mildmay's work.
Download our information leaflet:
If you don't want to decide just yet, download and print our information leaflet, or give us a call and we'll send you one - 020 7613 6311)
It's a great way to jog your memory!
Please note:
The information on this page is not intended to provide legal advice and should not be relied on to make any legal, tax or other decisions.
We recommend that you always seek professional advice in preparing your Will.
This information is intended for donors based in England and Wales only. For Scotland and Northern Ireland, we recommend you seek professional advice locally.