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Palm Sunday and Holy Week 2021

On this last Sunday of Lent, we hear two messages: the first is the joyous procession of Jesus into Jerusalem, where he is hailed by a large crowd. The second is the painful narrative of Jesus’s betrayal and crucifixion.

In this final week, we are invited to sit in the tension between the Kingdom of God that is present to us already and, that which is yet to come.

We feel the joy of the Palm Sunday procession and wait for Easter, knowing the end of the story already: that God has triumphed over sin and death. Yet we wait and work for the coming of God’s Kingdom in a broken world, a world, for instance, broken by Covid but ‘Eastering’ through the hope of the gift of the

Entering Holy Week

As we prepare for the joy of Easter next week, let us give thanks for the steps we have taken in our journey toward ecological conversion and for the ways God’s new creation is already emerging in our world. Let us pray for the grace to continue on this journey, on this long road on which so many have suffered since the Pandemic broke out last year.

(Dominican Sisters, Rapid Springs, Michigan)

Banner photo by Raimond Klavins


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