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New visitor guidance: easing restrictions

In accordance with national guidance as Covid-19 restrictions are eased, Mildmay is currently in the process of reducing visiting restrictions.

Visitors are once again permitted to visit patients on the ward, however, it is essential that this is managed safely. Visitors must remain with the patient they are visiting in their room at all times. The visits must be agreed upon with the nurse in charge prior to the event.

The nursing team reserve the right to refuse a visit, or to request that a visitor leaves if this becomes necessary. For example, if visitor numbers are too great in the ward area, or if visitors are disruptive and refuse to remain in a patient’s room.

Video calls such as WhatsApp or Zoom and other means of communication continue to be encouraged and the ward staff will help to facilitate this.

Specific information relating to visitor access

  • Those wishing to visit an inpatient of the hospital must gain prior consent for the visit from the nurse in charge. All visits need to be pre-booked via telephone. Nurses keep a record of visitor’s booked appointments within a diary

  • If a prospective visitor, or someone they live in the same house with, experiences Covid-19 symptoms, such as a new continuous cough, shortness of breath, changes in taste and sense of smell or a temperature of 37.8 or above – they must not visit the hospital.

  • Visits can be arranged by telephoning the hospital on 0207 613 6300 and asking to speak to the nurses on ext 6300/6301/6302/6401/6304

  • The maximum duration of the visit is 2 hours. This will be between the hours of 10:00 and 16:00 Monday to Sunday. Visits cannot take place during protected mealtimes (12:30-13:30)

  • Reception staff will undertake a lateral flow test for Covid-19 for each patient visitor entering the premises. If an individual visits a patient several times in one week, the lateral flow testing will need to be undertaken on each occasion. If a visitor declines lateral flow testing they will not be able to visit the patient and will be asked to leave the premises. The lateral flow test must indicate a negative result before the visitor is permitted to enter the ward. If a test is positive for Covid-19 entry will be declined and the visitor will be advised to access a PCR test. They may be referred to the link https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test

  • All visitors will have their temperature tested and recorded on arrival. In the event of any doubt, the visitor will be asked to leave, and will not be permitted to visit the patient, even if they have had a long journey. This will be explained to prospective visitors at the time of booking

  • Visits may now take place 7 days a week. On Mondays-Fridays Reception staff undertake lateral flow testing immediately upon the visitor’s arrival. Lateral flow testing needs to be undertaken by the nursing team during weekends. Nurses reserve the right to place limits on the number of visitors during the weekends and it is important that the management of visitors including the undertaking of lateral flow checks must not add significant pressure to the nursing team or have an adverse or disruptive effect on patient care

  • Only one visitor is permitted to visit each patient at any one time

  • Visits need to be scheduled at a time of day that does not adversely affect the patient’s individual therapy sessions

  • Visits need to be staggered i.e. not all inpatients should receive visits at any one time.

  • As per government guidelines, we encourage a single constant visitor for patients, as far as is practicable, rather than a wide range of visitors for each patient

  • In accordance with government guidelines and the NHS Test and Trace programme, a temporary record (including address and phone number) of visitors will need to be maintained, as well as keeping track of visitor numbers and staff

  • All visitors are expected to wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) at all times (mask). Mildmay will provide the PPE to all visitors on arrival. There will be no exemptions. If a visitor is unable to wear a mask for any reason they will not be permitted to visit any patient

  • Visitors are expected to sanitise their hands using the alcohol gel provided in reception and on the wards when arriving and leaving the premises

  • All patients need to wear a mask at all times whilst receiving visitors

  • Visits may take place in individual patient’s rooms. Visitors are not permitted to utilise other ward areas

  • Patients diagnosed as COVID-19 positive cannot receive visitors.

  • We regret that currently no children will be permitted to visit

This page will be updated as the guidance evolves, so please check back from time to time.


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