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Big Lottery Grant making a BIG difference

In the summer we received a grant from Awards For All England- part of The Big Lottery.

Since then we have been able to buy some fantastic new pieces of equipment for our gym that have already been benefitting our patients.

First on site was the THERA Trainer Balo.

Mildmay Hospital Gym

Thera-Balo Trainer in action

This wonderful piece of equipment supports patients with severe mobility restrictions and wheelchair users to stand. It gives freedom of upper body movement, whilst keeping the person safely supported. Using this equipment has increased patients endurance enabling them to stand for longer and thereby building strength and confidence. Many patients have said their mood lifts and that having eye to eye contact with staff and peers is something they really enjoy.This can give a sense of freedom as well as build strength and confidence, benefitting patients psychologically as well as physically. There are also considerable health benefits of exercising whilst standing including improved breathing, mobility and stability, as well as building bone strength and stimulating circulation.

Mildmay is one of the few places where this equipment can be offered as a rehabilitation tool for patients.

Next to arrive was a new tread mill with rails at a better height and better gradients – this is a really key piece of rehabilitation equipment.

Finally we were also able to buy a new Concept 2 rowing machine which has magnetic resistance and feels much more natural to use than the old machine. It also has height adjustment so there is the opportunity to use this whilst in a wheelchair, an invaluable addition to our gym.

We are now able to get more people working in the gym at the same time and patents are much more excited about and keen to use the new equipment.

Chief executive, Dr Ross White said-

“ We are absolutely delighted with this new equipment and very grateful to Awards For All England for enabling us to to increase our rehabilitation impact for people with HIV associated brain impairment. We see patients with an increasing number of complex health conditions including chronic brain injuries caused by HIV. Our work with patients can reverse physical disabilities, enabling them to relearn the skills needed to complete daily tasks that are often taken for granted, such as getting washed and dressed, going to the toilet unaided and walking up and down stairs independently. We are also delighted to be one of the few facilities that are able to offer the Thera-trainer to our patients and are thrilled to already witness the many benefits it is bringing to our patients”



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