Father Paul Rout OFM, a Franciscan priest who kindly gives voluntary service at Mildmay, beginning again last Sunday, alongside the others on the Chaplaincy Team, is celebrating 47 years since his Ordination to the Priesthood in 1974, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

His doctoral studies, retreat work and other developments which took place over the years, brought him to this country on a more permanent basis. However, he has really missed his family and Franciscan brothers during these Covid times, having been prevented from returning last year to spend time with them.
So, as his colleagues and friends in the Northern Hemisphere, we ask God to bless Paul in a very special way this week, filling him with peace and joy.
We at Mildmay send our warmest congratulations and thank him for his kindness to us.

Part of Paul’s Mission Statement:
“…we are being called to be, once again, ministers of the joy of the Gospel. We are being called to be ministers of the mercy of God…to the peripheries, to the margins, to those places where people need these gifts…”