Today we launch our Christmas 2021 Appeal: Presents for patients
Every year, Mildmay hospital has many patients who are unable to go home for Christmas.
Many of our patients have few social connections, and Christmas can be a very difficult, lonely and isolating time for them. We still have COVID restrictions in place and this affects the number of visitors we can allow into the hospital, so even those with families may not get a chance to see them.
To bring a little light into the lives of our patients this Christmas, we would like to give them Christmas presents, modest gifts like pyjamas, and little treats like toiletries or nice things to eat.
Any patients who are discharged between Christmas and New Year, live alone or in a hostel, and have no family nearby, will be given a small hamper to take with them.
We need your help to do this and so we once again call upon the generosity of our friends and supporters and ask you to make a donation to our Christmas Appeal.
Last year you kindly donated just over £970 - let's try and get to £1,000 this year! Click on this image to go to our Christmas Appeal page and make a donation. Thank you.