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Our Patients' Stories

Mildmay has been providing care since the 1860s, welcoming thousands of individuals through its doors over the years.

Each person has experienced the hospital and its dedicated staff in a unique and meaningful way.

Do you or someone you know have an experience of Mildmay you would like to share?

We'd love to add it to our archive Please get in touch!

Jeremy S
Jeremy S

You may be interested to know that about 130 years ago (c1890) my grandfather’s parents were smuggled out of the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw and brought to the East End of London by the Mildmay Organisation.

Lwanga Andrew
Lwanga Andrew

I cannot forget my friends from Jajja’s Home. They loved me so much that I am who am today.


"I still have my little red morocco bound Bible given for good attendance at the Mildmay Mission Sunday School."


"I was born in Mildmay Hospital in October 1940. My Dad was fighting in the war and my Mum, Nan and Grandad were bombed out of their home..."


"I’m sitting here at home recovering from a very simple day procedure yesterday and thinking about the kindness and compassion of all the staff at the hospital."


"I was a patient at Mildmay from 26/12/20 until 4/02/2021 when I was transferred from Royal London hospital after a major surgery as part of my treatment for colorectal cancer."


"I was diagnosed with HIV in 1990 and decided to go into denial. I never expected treatments and simply carried on with life until... the brain swelling..."


"Hi. I am a former patient of Mildmay Hospital. I'd been found near to the Tower of London after blacking out and with amnesia."


"I remember waking up on September 1st, hardly able to move. Something was wrong."

Renee P
Renee P

"I was admitted to the Mildmay when I was 6 years old in 1946."

Norman Goldner
Norman Goldner

"In the 1990s, Mildmay were so wonderful, caring for some very special friends of mine..."


Margaret was referred from Bart's Hospital where she had been admitted after collapsing with a severe stroke and being diagnosed with HIV.


Liam was a secondary school teacher when he was referred to Mildmay’s Inpatient Unit and when he arrived he could not walk or move his neck.

Sara Kabuye
Sara Kabuye

"Hello, l love Mildmay, cos it removed me from the grave cos I was going to die but Mildmay healed me, and it has changed my life."


Rhoda is living with HIV in Western Kenya. Aged 23, she was gravely ill and weighed just 24kg.


Nine-year-old Patricia was brought to Mildmay Uganda by police officers after being found almost lifeless, living in a pigsty.

Margaret and Rachael
Margaret and Rachael

Margaret, a Mildmay-trained Community Health Worker in Kenya, talks about visiting Rachael, who is living with HIV and had just given birth to her third child.


A year before, Othini was bedridden and frail. HIV had affected his mental state; he was erratic, aggressive, unable to cope with taking his medication and was struggling to stay alive.

If you have a story you'd like to share, we'd love to add it to our archive, so please get in touch.

Thank you to all those who have shared their stories.
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